"Today the department is announcing that the final rule on preventive health services will ensure that women with health insurance coverage will have access to the full range of the Institute of Medicine’s recommended preventive services, including all FDA -approved forms of contraception. Women will not have to forego these services because of expensive co-pays or deductibles, or because an insurance plan doesn’t include contraceptive services. This rule is consistent with the laws in a majority of states which already require contraception coverage in health plans, and includes the exemption in the interim final rule allowing certain religious organizations not to provide contraception coverage. Beginning August 1, 2012, most new and renewed health plans will be required to cover these services without cost sharing for women across the country."U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
"Never before in our US History has the Federal Government forced citizens to directly purchase what violates our beliefs. At issue here as our President of the Conference stated it this past Friday, is the survival of a cornerstone constitutionally protected freedom that ensures respect for conscience and religious liberty,”Cardinal Daniel DiNardo
"What the Church and the state need is not another war, but a shared language — a language for Catholics and non-Catholics alike; a universal reference point for rights and laws. What the Church in the United States needs to remember is nature."HH Ambrose, National Catholic Register
This is a tough one to dance around, but the Cardinal is overstating his case. When President Obama and Congress negotiated and passed the Health Care overhaul early in his Administration, the touchy decision about birth control (such as abortion) insurance coverage was dodged until now. Secretary Sebelius was left with the dirty job of announcing the only decision she could. The leadership of the American Catholic Church responded in the only way it could: with highly charged rhetoric.
Of course The Church must comply with the law. It is an institution subject to the laws of the State. Unless there is a radical change in the leadership of both branches of government brought about by a dramatic shift in popular sentiment in the Fall election, this rule will go into effect next year and The Church will comply.
Personally, I am committed to full freedom for women to receive all contraceptive procedures and services that medical science deems safe. My opinion is an unmovable product of experience, conscience and spirituality. No amount of argument or propaganda will sway me. I believe abortion should be available 'on demand' for little or no cost to anyone who is pregnant. I do not accept any restrictions at all. Restrictions on this freedom are a threat to the health and lives of women and men who find themselves facing a pregnancy. That's my view, and I'm sticking to it.
There is a need for some sort of "shared language" to take the edges off this rancorous debate. Words that dull the edges of discussion would be a great help. Given the fact that I just flatly expressed my view in what is probably an offensive way to some people, I don't think "shared language" is possible. I doubt Cardinal DiNardo does either. So maybe we can agree on something.