Saturday, January 13, 2007

"We have a new strategy with a new mission: Helping secure the population, especially in Baghdad.”

This is the same old spinning word games on the same old "stay the course" strategy. And then there was this sameoldsameold gem from today's address: "To oppose everything while proposing nothing is irresponsible.”

Coupla things. Securing the people of Baghdad is not a new idea. It may be new to W, but it certainly has been thought of previously. Second, Democrats and Republicans alike have been proposing strategic ideas for YEARS that differ from the President's same old strategy. W's assertion that his opposition has proposed nothing is a huge lie. It is either a lie of ignorance or a bald-faced, knowing twist on the truth to smear opponents.

Now, I think W and his inner circle are more evil than ignorant but intelligent liberals can disagree about such things. I might be able to accept the premise that the W-ites are simply too stupid and insulated to have heard other ideas, but I tend to lean toward the notion that they have heard the other ideas, dismissed them outright, and are now righteously acting as if the plans never existed.

Remeber, WE voted this evil into power. We now eat the poo they feed us.

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