Monday, September 10, 2007

Patriot Day - September 11

How to mark tomorrow????
The events are still fresh, the tradition of marking it are not yet set. What will become the traditions of this day? I don't want to fly my flag, that doesn't feel right. I'm sure someone will find that offensive. I'm not even comfortable with the notion that several thousand civillians dying without any warning could be 'patriots'. To me, a patriot is someone who exhibits some form of nationalism. I don't see how it relates to that day.

Patriot's Day is a Massachusetts and Maine holiday. It happens in April to mark the first battles of our war for independence against the British Empire. Today it is primarily marked by the running of The Boston Marathon, a Red Sox game and some guys marching around dressed up in costumes to elicit images of the partisan revolutionary radicals who fought for American independence.

Veterans Day is offically for honoring current members of the military. It was put into place by Woodrow Wilson on Armistice Day (the end of WWI). Today it is just another optional day off of work for most Americans.

Memorial Day's current offical purpose is honoring our war dead. It was originally put into place to honor those who died defending the Union during the US Civil War, and expanded to honor all military deaths after WWI. Currently, pop culture knows it as the first day of the summer season and the running of the Indianapolis 500. Many Americans also mark the day by honoring loved ones who have died irregardless of whether they served in the military.

What will become of September 11 in US culture? I've no idea, but the way these rememberances have morphed in the past might give some idea of how much the collective memory can change. Personally, I kind of wish it would just go away. It feels a bit to me like our national Good Friday. The day we got our ass whupped. Not very patriotic, I suppose.

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