Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Great quote from Joseph Stiglitz on McCain

Q: The economic costs have now come back to undermine the whole post-9/11 security effort. When John McCain says he's not interested in and doesn't understand the economic aspect of things, and only knows about how to keep America safe, what does that say about his leadership capability?

Stiglitz: If he doesn't understand the economy, he doesn't understand security. If we had infinite resources, we might be able to have perfect security. But America, like every other country, has resource constraints. That means you need to be smart -- that is, economic -- about the money we spend. If you weaken the American economy, you won't be able to find the resources you need for security. The two cannot be separated.


Muganoot Mommy said...

Love that man. Not McCain.

CzaMama said...

Good point. Will you come and talk to the lefties in our area? They don't seem to understand economics either.