Thursday, September 04, 2008

ABORTION and Sarah Palin

I'm following as much of the 'stark choice' bullshit as I can stomach this election season. I understand from Sarah Palin (as advised by the Republican establishment) that she is a pro-life, pro-family, small town, Washington outsider...or some such nonsense. Since I would do anything in my power to oppose her espoused philosophy in how my country should be run, I suppose that makes me an anti-life, anti-family, big city Washington insider...or some such nonsense.

I am glad she had the CHOICE to bear her children.
I am glad she had the CHOICE to become a Granny at her young age.
I am glad she had the CHOICE to marry the person she wanted to marry.
That's the kind of country I want to live in. But I fear that the American voters do not want a country like that. They prefer a country with a solid rhetorical script. The script offered by the Washington insiders who run the Republican Party.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Yeah, its sickening. Sure, You have a choice! As long as they approve of that choice. As few as 50 years ago people with the same mentality wouldn't allow a black fellow to marry a white woman. On what grounds? Nothing rational, that's for sure. And nothing Biblically based either, despite their thumping of it!