Friday, May 25, 2012

Curt Schilling and his case for small government

It really is not that complicated, I just don’t understand HOW people don’t grasp the concept of ‘Free Market’, and why left alone, it WORKS!” - Curt Schilling, March 2010
"Massachusetts has done nothing but spend, and grow, at a time when we have no money to spend and absolutely unequivocally NO need for a larger government." Big Schill in 2010, backing Scott Brown (R) for the US Senate.

‎...but this has gotta be my favorite from January 2010 -
"As a company that is looking to bring anywhere from 100 to 500 new jobs (at salaries north of 75k a year) into the state it does business in over the next 5 years, how can anyone on this planet say this system the Democrats want to impose on this country is smart? Ethical? Beneficial? There are TRILLIONS of other ways to fund health care rather than penalizing the current system right? How about this bloated, criminal laden Government we are saddled with? Hell in this state alone how many elected officials SHOULD have gone to jail in the past 12 months?

Are we truly NOT fed up with ‘status quo’? Because that’s what we’ve gotten the past 12 months. Well that and “It’s Bushs’ fault” as an excuse to (When does the statute of limitations run out on that btw?)

Massachusetts can change it all in 2 weeks, elect Scott Brown and stop the madness, stop working for the Government and start making these people work for us, again, now.

No one to blame but ourselves, we’ve elected these buffoons, and we’re paying through the nose for it. The Government has done nothing but spend, and grow, at a time when we have no money to spend and absolutely unequivocally NO need for a larger government. If you think it’s going to change, you’re wrong. Unless we elect Scott Brown to become a legitimate check/balance into the system we’re screwed, very screwed."

So, after defaulting on a state backed loan payment, missing payroll and laying off his entire workforce of hundreds, I can assume that these employees are left without any health insurance at all.  The state of Rhode Island is left with a bad debt of tens of millions while many cities and towns are bankrupt.

I wonder who Curt is backing in the current Massachusetts Senate race.  Small Gubment Scott Brown, or big gubment socialist Elizabeth Warren.  I'm going to guess that anyone willing to write him a check would get his support.


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