Friday, June 29, 2012

Obamneycare and a Former Michigan GOP Spokesman

The bullshit is deep over the Supreme Court's decision on the "individual mandate".  I like this one -
Here are my rational answers to this tool's stupid questions.

"Implicit in Benjamin Franklin's fabled response at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention was a dire warning: That the Republic would one day devolve into tyranny unless we the people prevented it."
Franklin's words were not a fable.  They were not prophetic.  Franklin was a mortal, speaking about an actual political process in his lifetime.

"If government can mandate that I pay for something I don't want, then what is beyond its power?"
Everything not outlined in the Constitution, subsequently legislated, executed by government officals and tested in the courts.

But even further, look up the word "mandate".  That is not what is happening in the actual context of this real law. This is not a command or order.  The real mandate is that health service providers (like hospitals) are commanded to provide services to anyone who comes in their doors demanding health care.  The Romney Plan (as it is known in Massachusetts) requires that taxpayers pay for some of the cost of this real mandate.

"If the Supreme Court's decision Thursday paves the way for unprecedented intrusion into personal decisions, then has the Republic all but ceased to exist?"

It didn't to part 1.  This is untrue because of the reasons I just stated.  The slippery slope logic is wrong, and the second part does not follow from the untrue premise.

"If so, then is armed rebellion today justified?"
Not so, then not.

"God willing, this oppression will be lifted and America free again before the first shot is fired."
Now this is completely ridiculous.  No basis in reality, logic or modern context at all.  Just plain stupid, but with great dramatic flare.

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