Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lefties spin expectations

Huffington Post came up with some twisty headlines from the following Obama quote from yesterday:
"Let me make an observation," said Obama, "that we are running out of the traditional ammunition that is used in a recession, and that is lowering the interest rates ... it is critical that the other branches of government step up, and that's why the economic recovery plan is so absolutely critical, and my economic team, which I will meet with today, is helping to shape what is going to be a bold agenda to create 2.5 million new jobs."

The headlines were "Obama: Bush tying my hands on economy" and "Obama: We are running out of options".
It is cute that the Huffers want to do some finger-pointing at the Bush Administration, but that's not what Obama was saying. He was saying that he needs support for his huge spending plan. This is an argument he needs to state over and over until we are sick of it. The reason is that the American people and the media who filters their information does not truly believe that there is a very serious set of problems in the world economy that can only be addressed in the way Obama has proposed. I saw a poll yesterday that said most Americans think the big 3 automakers should be allowed to sink, because they don't think such failures will have any impact on the overall economy. This kind of ignorance takes my breath away.

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