Wednesday, December 03, 2008

What I'm seeing from Obama so far

He's looking more Clinton-esque all the time in style, yet looks to be learning from Bill's early mistakes of walking slowly into the transition. So far, the Obama team is long on technicians in the economic team, and short on ideologues. I would like to see some more left-leaning idealists in there, but I'm a leftie and am cool with the more centrist bureaucrats in the Executive Branch. That's what is called for in those offices.

I like the pick of Hillary for State. The "Team of Rivals" comparison is pretty lame given how closely their views resembled each other's in the primary. That's a cute reference on a good book, but this rivalry was largely rhetorical but ideologically shallow.

As far as the stupid continuing debate over the word 'change' goes, it just seems silly to me to say that because he's picking experienced Clinton Admin people that he isn't going to change anything. I can't say much more about that because, well, it is just stupid, that's all.

Back to the economic policy. I've heard Obama say that he is considering some major budget cuts to offset the stimulus and holding off on repealing the Bush tax cuts for rich people. That stuff is decidedly conservative, which doesn't please me but I understand that he has to build a coalition with some of the people who lean to the right of me. The tax rate structure needs to be more progressive not just because of the fairness of it, but because it is practically healthy for the economy.

And I hope his team doesn't put too much energy into trimming the federal budget, as that is just not going to produce much positive short term result for economic growth. Perhaps that would be a good bone to throw the McCain people. Get them working on trimming the pork. Make McCain the Pork Czar. Yeah, that's the ticket!

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