Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Fred Thompson

This guy seems to have the stuff that many unthinking voters love: Deep voice, acting ability, tall, macho image, proven ability to lie and shovel manure, drives a pickup truck for the cameras... Therefore I think he has a real good chance to be the next President. He's Reaganesque, which is the gold standard for Republicans an many 'independent' voters. Of course, it isn't clear at all what policies he would want to pursue but no matter. He has what Americans have proven they want in a President - an image.


ThatMelhouseGirl said...

But Sam Watterson's so much more ethical on that show. Why can't he run for the Republican nomination?

Meg said...

Hey Jeff, great to hear from you! I am doing well, working hard and trying to have fun at every opportunity.

Yes this is truly the most wonderful time of the year!